
王娟1, 李玉珠1, 陶茸1, 赵小强2, 师尚礼1,*
1 甘肃农业大学草业学院, 草业生态系统教育部重点实验室/ 中- 美草地畜牧业可持续发展研究中心, 兰州730070, 2 中国农业大学生物学院, 北京100193

通信作者:师尚礼;E-mail: tshishl@gsau.edu.cn;Tel: 0931-7632493

摘 要:

以陇东地区野生紫花苜蓿无菌苗的下胚轴、子叶、叶片和叶柄为外植体, MS为基本培养基, 研究划破种皮以及不同 生长调节物质种类与配比对愈伤组织诱导和分化影响的结果表明: 划破种皮可提高种子发芽率; 在外植体中下胚轴的愈伤 组织诱导率最高, 达 92.2%; 最佳愈伤组织诱导培养基为 MS+2,4-D 2.0 mg•L-1 (单位下同)+NAA 1.0+2.5% 蔗糖 +0.6% 琼脂, 最佳分化诱导培养基为 MS+KT 0.5+NAA 0.3+2.5% 蔗糖 +0.6% 琼脂, 成苗培养基为 1/2MS+NAA 0.1+1% 蔗糖 +0.6% 琼 脂。

关键词:陇东地区野生紫花苜蓿; 胚性愈伤组织; 诱导; 再生

收稿:2009-09-21   修定:2009-11-05

资助:国家“ 十一五” 科技支撑计划(2007BAD52B06; 2006BAD01A19-6)和国家牧草产业技术体系项目(2008)。

Establishment of Plant Regeneration System from Medicago sativa L. in Longdong Region

WANG Juan1, LI Yu-Zhu1, TAO Rong1, ZHAO Xiao-Qiang2, SHI Shang-Li1,*
1Key Laboratory of Grassland Ecosystem, Ministry of Education/Sino-U.S. Center for Grazingland Ecosystem Sustainalbility, Pratacultural College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China

Corresponding author: SHI Shang-Li; E-mail: tshishl@gsau.edu.cn; Tel: 0931-7632493


Hypocotyls, cotyledons, leaves and petioles from aseptic seedlings of Medicago sativa L. in Longdong region were used as explants in this study. The basic medium was MS solid medium. The effects of seed coat scratching as well as different growth regulators and their combinations on induction and differentiation of embryogenic callus were observed. The result indicated that seed coat scratching had remarkable influence on seeds germination ratio. The downside of hypocotyl possessed the highest callus induction ratio of 92.2% among all materials. The optimal callus induction medium was MS+2,4-D 2.0 mg·L-1(same hereinbelow)+NAA 1.0+2.5% sucrose+0.6% agar, the optimal differentiation induction medium was MS+KT 0.5+NAA 0.3+2.5% sucrose+0.6% agar, and the optimal seedling formation medium was 1/2MS+NAA 0.1+1% sucrose +0.6% agar.

Key words: Medicago sativa L. in Longdong region; embryogenic callus; induction; regeneration

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